Bible Curriculum
Types of Bible Curriculum
Learning the Bible is learning about the world that God made, the ancients who chose or did not choose to follow Him, His story, and how we are to follow Him. The Bible also opens up discussion into good character and righteous living.Legend
$ - Below $50/year$$ - Between $50-$100/year
$$$ - Between $100-$150/year
$$$$ - Above $150/year

Introduce children to the stories and characters of the Bible with this 30-lesson children's curriculum. With animated videos, teaching, and activities for discovering the truth of God's word.
DVD & Activities
Students learn the "big picture" of the story of the Bible, in-depth knowledge of the Bible and, best of all, how to apply it to their lives. Every year, students study certain stories, some in the old and some in the new, but not particularly in chronological order. This is the best, non-doctrine curriculum that just teaches what's in the Bible and makes it fun. My kids beg to do this one and even though each lesson takes about 30 minutes to do, it's the best part of the day!
Workbook, CD, & Interactive Charts and Maps
Learn about the Bible Truths through a traditional, topical study of the Bible.
Bible Nuggets from A to Z and Bible Treasures teach the Bible stories that children will love and remember. It is illustrated, contains stories, questions, and memorization activities, including the First Catechism. Its goal is to help students understand God's plan of redemption.
Christian Studies uses a classical approach to teach the Bible. All major stories are told.
LIFEPAC goes in-depth into the Old and New Testaments. Utilizing the King James Version of the Bible, the curriculum covers a variety of material to assist in the development of practical Christian living. The themes include theology, the attributes of God, Biblical literature, Biblical geography, Christian growth, Christian evidences, and a special emphasis for each grade level.
Positive Action for Christ is a topical study of God's word - with puzzles, illustrations, and applications to our daily lives.
An in-depth study of the Old and New Testaments. Utilizing the King James Version and the NASB, the Bible curriculum covers a variety of biblical material to assist in the development of practical Christian living.
A DVD curriculum that explains the overall story of the Bible so that kids can understand the meaning of the Bible.
Gameschooling is when board and card games are included in the homeschool experience to help enrich learning in a particular subject. Rather than just playing games for fun, gameschooling emphasizes the educational aspect of playing games. Since children tend to learn best while being engaged and having fun, gameschooling is seen as a great way to solidify material that may not be understood as readily if just reading it from a textbook.
Action Bible Guess-It Game
The Action Bible Guess-It Game is a series of clues for a person, place, or thing in the Bible. The guesser has to use the given clues to come up with what is being described. This is harder than it looks. This game even had me scratching my head at times.
The Action Bible Guess-It Game is a series of clues for a person, place, or thing in the Bible. The guesser has to use the given clues to come up with what is being described. This is harder than it looks. This game even had me scratching my head at times.
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Apples To Apples Bible Edition
Apples to Apples Bible Edition is the wild, party game where you select a card from your hand that you think best describes the card being played by the judge.
Apples to Apples Bible Edition is the wild, party game where you select a card from your hand that you think best describes the card being played by the judge.
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Bible Bingo
Bible Bingo includes 24 unique bingo game cards. It's an easy game for kids to play, learning their favorite Bible characters, symbols and elements. Adam, Eve, creation, Noah's ark, angel, Mary, Queen Esther...
Bible Bingo includes 24 unique bingo game cards. It's an easy game for kids to play, learning their favorite Bible characters, symbols and elements. Adam, Eve, creation, Noah's ark, angel, Mary, Queen Esther...
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Bible Dominoes
Bible Dominoes helps children to learn about the Bible and Jesus while playeing. It also encourages communication, sharing, counting, and matching skills.
Bible Dominoes helps children to learn about the Bible and Jesus while playeing. It also encourages communication, sharing, counting, and matching skills.
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Bible Go Fish
Bible Go Fish is an inspirational twist to the classic card game, Go Fish. Each card in the deck reminds kids to be thankful for all of God's blessings.
There is also a Jonah Go Fish.
Bible Go Fish is an inspirational twist to the classic card game, Go Fish. Each card in the deck reminds kids to be thankful for all of God's blessings.
There is also a Jonah Go Fish.
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Bible Outburst
Bible Outburst is a party game filled with challenging and entertaining Bible topics. Each topic has 10 target answers. The fun begins as your team draws the first topic. It could be names for Christ, animals in the Bible, or sons of Jacob. For 60 seconds, your team will be pouring out answers. Only the 10 target answers will score points.
Bible Outburst is a party game filled with challenging and entertaining Bible topics. Each topic has 10 target answers. The fun begins as your team draws the first topic. It could be names for Christ, animals in the Bible, or sons of Jacob. For 60 seconds, your team will be pouring out answers. Only the 10 target answers will score points.
Number of Players:
2 Teams
Bible Trivia
Bible Trivia is the game of Bible knowledge. Over 700 questions challenges players to relive the history, heroic characters, and inspirational messages found in both the Old and New Testaments. Be the first to reach the finish to win.
Bible Trivia is the game of Bible knowledge. Over 700 questions challenges players to relive the history, heroic characters, and inspirational messages found in both the Old and New Testaments. Be the first to reach the finish to win.
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Unlike Monopoly, Bibleopoly doesn't reward players for the accumulation of wealth, but instead for the accumulation of good deeds. The competition is about who can do the most for others, not themselves. In the midst of all this kindness, players travel through cities mentioned in the Bible. Be careful and don't land in the abyss.
Unlike Monopoly, Bibleopoly doesn't reward players for the accumulation of wealth, but instead for the accumulation of good deeds. The competition is about who can do the most for others, not themselves. In the midst of all this kindness, players travel through cities mentioned in the Bible. Be careful and don't land in the abyss.
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Biblios is a card game where each player is trying to make the most famous library through decoration, curation, and collection while balancing their gold coins. Your goal is to assemble the greatest book collection and build the most famous library.
Biblios is a card game where each player is trying to make the most famous library through decoration, curation, and collection while balancing their gold coins. Your goal is to assemble the greatest book collection and build the most famous library.
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Children's Bible Trivia
In Children's Bible Trivia, children answer Bible questions to make it to the rainbow and win the game. Answers are based on the King James Version of the Bible. All questions and answers are simplified and presented for children and include the appropriate reference to chapter and verse.
In Children's Bible Trivia, children answer Bible questions to make it to the rainbow and win the game. Answers are based on the King James Version of the Bible. All questions and answers are simplified and presented for children and include the appropriate reference to chapter and verse.
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Kings of Israel
Kings of Israel takes place in the Northern Kingdom of Israel during the reign of its kings up until Israel's destruction by Assyria. Players on a team and each person represents a line of prophets that are trying to remove evil and idols from Israel, while building altars throughout the land. If the players are able to build enough altars before the game ends, they win. If Israel is overrun with evil or idols, or Assyria destroys Israel, the prophets all lose.
Kings of Israel takes place in the Northern Kingdom of Israel during the reign of its kings up until Israel's destruction by Assyria. Players on a team and each person represents a line of prophets that are trying to remove evil and idols from Israel, while building altars throughout the land. If the players are able to build enough altars before the game ends, they win. If Israel is overrun with evil or idols, or Assyria destroys Israel, the prophets all lose.
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Life of Paul
Journey with Paul on his missionary trips in the classic game. This is a typical roll and move board game with trivia questions about Paul's ministry. The board is a map of the Roman cities Paul traveled. The path starts in Tarsus and ends in Rome.
Journey with Paul on his missionary trips in the classic game. This is a typical roll and move board game with trivia questions about Paul's ministry. The board is a map of the Roman cities Paul traveled. The path starts in Tarsus and ends in Rome.
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So You Think You Know The Bible
This is a fun card game that reveals how well you know the Bible. Get a group together and test your knowledge of the Bible. With 300 cards and over 500 questions, there's plenty of playability in this game.
This is a fun card game that reveals how well you know the Bible. Get a group together and test your knowledge of the Bible. With 300 cards and over 500 questions, there's plenty of playability in this game.
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What Would Jesus Do?
The What Would Jesus Do game is designed to provoke though and conversation among Christians. Players are challenged with real situations in several categories: the world, the community, the family, and friends. Lesser dilemmas, such as hurt feelings over a forgotten birthday are also addressed.
The What Would Jesus Do game is designed to provoke though and conversation among Christians. Players are challenged with real situations in several categories: the world, the community, the family, and friends. Lesser dilemmas, such as hurt feelings over a forgotten birthday are also addressed.
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